Innovate with ICT @ Chapman: bringing parents and students together to share ICT learning

For some schools, change in the form of new technologies or new approaches to teaching and learning can be difficult enough without the added challenge of bringing the school community willingly along on the journey. As major stakeholders in any school’s program, parents, carers and families can potentially be the deciding factor in the success or failure of any change initiative.

So it’s really important to keep the community informed and engaged throughout the process. As we have already seen, Chapman Primary School is focused on keeping their community engaged and informed. In early October, they held an information night with a difference: a hands-on, interactive immersion into the digital learning of Chapman students.
The whole school got involved, from preschool right up to year six, with families issued a ‘passport’ and willing students stamped the passports after demonstrating the work they have been doing, and getting their parents to join in. The enthusiasm and excitement of the students was evident, but even more compelling was the confidence, digital competence and knowledge they displayed as they walked the visitors through each activity.

The preschoolers confidently worked their way through digital stories told through iPad apps, and showed us how they develop early language skills in both English and Indonesian.
The kindergarten students amazed us with their proficient use of QR Codes for developing word knowledge and writing skills.
Several groups of students demonstrated the work they are doing with stop-motion animation, from the year ones using drawings to tell a story... the year 5/6 students creating detailed and complicated animations using play-doh and LEGO.
The year 5/6 students took their parents through demonstrations on Google Apps and Classroom. They talked about how much they like sharing work with their friends and being able to work on the same document everywhere. They took their parents through some of the great uses of Google Docs and Read&Write.
One thing that many parents seem to worry about is whether their students are learning typing skills. The kids had that covered too, demonstrating novel uses of cardboard boxes to hide their hands while they work through typing games and programs.
One student showed us Plickers, a very cool app that allows the teacher to very quickly scan the responses of everyone in the room without drawing attention to anyone in particular. What a great tool for formative assessment.
The other great thing about the event was the opportunity for parents and families to learn more about Cyber Safety and related issues. The school invited ‘Think You Know’ to present on a range of topics, including cyberbullying, online privacy and reputation management. I think parents got a lot out of it for their own benefit, as well as their children’s.
The Chapman event was very well-attended, demonstrating the Chapman community’s commitment to supporting the learning that happens in the school.

We'd love to hear about the ways your school engages with the community, especially around technology. Why not get in touch?
