EdTechTeam Canberra Summit 2018 featuring Google for Education

The fourth EdTechTeam Canberra Summit featuring Google for Education took place at Gungahlin College, ACT on Monday, 16th and Tuesday, 17th April 2018.
The summit attracts educators from the public, independent and Catholic school sectors and is organised by EdTechTeam in partnership with the ACT Directorate for Education. EdTechTeam is part of a global network of educational technologists dedicated to improving the world's education systems using the best learning principles and technology available.

This year’s summit connects the ministerial vision - Better schools for our kids: technology enabled learning - to the most up-to-date curriculum delivery tools and techniques.

ACT Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development, Yvette Berry, opening the fourth Canberra Summit featuring Google for Education

Summit program
The two-day program showcased two international keynote speakers, 56 break-out sessions, a Demo Slam, a photo competition with prizes and a closing ignite session.
The summit program consisted of a keynote presentation each morning followed by a range of one hour workshop style break-out sessions. Content ranged from beginner - Rise of the Robots: Coding across the curriculum, to intermediate - Feedback Smarter Not Harder, to geeky - Story writing in 360°.

ACT educators can request the complete program with links to resources from their respective school contact officer.
Technology Enabled Learning Communities
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